Radikalislamische Trupps mit bewaffneten Fahrzeugen haben Kisimayo, den letzten noch nicht unter der Kontrolle der Islamisten stehenden größeren Hafen Somalias besetzt.
Zitat:KISMAYO, Somalia (AP) -- Hundreds of Islamic militiamen in heavily armed trucks took over the southern town of Kismayo, one of the last seaports that had been outside their control in Somalia, witnesses said.

"The Islamic courts have entered Kismayo," said resident Abdi Gashan, adding that the warlords who previously ruled the area had fled. "We welcome the Islamic courts."

The peaceful takeover on Sunday was the latest blow to Somalia's virtually powerless government. The country's defense minister, Col. Barre "Hirale" Aden Shire, had been a leading member of the Juba Valley Alliance that had been ruling Kismayo and was among those who fled.
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