29.06.2006, 23:00
Zitat:Skywalker posteteWie steht denn Armenien zu diesem Völkermord?
Das Massaker in der Aserdbaidschanischen Stadt Hocali das während des armenisch - aserdbaidschanischen krieges durch armenische Truppen begangen wurde jährt sich zum 14 mal.
Zitat:14 Years of Massacre Brings no End to Armenian OccupationQuelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.zaman.com/?bl=international&alt=&trh=20060226&hn=30216">http://www.zaman.com/?bl=international& ... 6&hn=30216</a><!-- m -->
There are commemoration services to remember the 1992 Armenian massacre of Azerbaijanis in the city of Hocali.
A wreath-laying ceremony was hosted in Baku by President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan, who made his way yesterday (on Saturday) to the Statue of Hocali Massacre in commemoration of the mass murder that happened 14 years ago when the Armenians invaded the Upper Karabagh.
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