01.05.2006, 10:38
Da der letzte Post sich auf Raketentests bezieht:
Pakistan hat erst kürzlich eine neue Mittelstreckenrakete getestet gehabt. Reichweite etwa 2000 km
Aber was neues aus Kaschmir:
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Pakistan hat erst kürzlich eine neue Mittelstreckenrakete getestet gehabt. Reichweite etwa 2000 km
Aber was neues aus Kaschmir:
Zitat:Suspected Islamic rebels kill 22 in KashmirQuelle:
The Associated Press
MONDAY, MAY 1, 2006
Suspected Islamic militants raided a village and killed 22 Hindus after lining them up outside their homes in India's portion of the disputed territory of Kashmir, police said Monday.
An additional five Hindus were wounded in the attack Sunday night in Thava, a village 170 kilometers (105 miles) northeast of Jammu in India's Jammu-Kashmir state, said Sheesh Pal Vaid, inspector-general of police.
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