Palestina und israelischer Frieden
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Zitat:Palestinian boy shot dead by Israelis in Gaza
Wed Nov 26,11:23 AM ET Add Mideast - AFP to My Yahoo!

GAZA CITY (AFP) - A nine-year-old Palestinian boy died in the southern Gaza Strip (news - web sites) after being shot in the head by the Israeli army, Palestinian medical sources told AFP.
Palästinensrbehoerde hat aber dann zugeben das der nicht von der IDF erschossen wurde sondern von seinem Bruder
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Zitat:Nov. 30, 2003
Boy shot in Rafah by brother

Palestinian security officials on Sunday retracted claims that IDF forces were responsible for the killing of Hani Raba'iyah, 9 near Rafah last Wednesday morning and admitted that he had been shot by his brother.
Vater hat die IDF beschuldigt um Geld von der Hamas zu kassieren.

Hier ein bezeichnendes Beispiel wie Kinder als menschliche Schutzschilde missbraucht werden:
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In one film clip released by the IDF, channel 10 news showed a group of terrorists escaping after having fired upon an IDF post. The group had abducted a small Palestinian child and were dragging him along with them, using him as a human shield against IDF soldiers who accordingly ceased firing.
@Ansar Israel hat dann eh nichts mehr zu verlieren...

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