09.02.2006, 12:25
Zitat:Oil-thirsty Asia looks to calm Gulf watersQuelle:
Philip Bowring
The Arab Gulf states may fear the potential of a politically militant Iran, with or without nuclear capability. But they and their oil clients - especially in Asia, which is much more dependent on Gulf oil than America is - fear that U.S. political preoccupations may be a greater threat to the region, and its ability to supply energy, than Iran is.
It is often assumed, not only by its critics, that the United States is in the Gulf to protect its oil supplies and the interests of its oil companies. But most of the region's hydrocarbons are in the hands of state-owned companies, not multinationals, and the U.S. reliance on Gulf oil is low. The United States imports 60 percent of its oil but only 20 percent of that - 12 percent of oil total demand - comes from the Gulf. Even Europe is only 30 percent dependent on the Gulf.
By comparison, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan import all their oil, of which 75 percent is from the Gulf. India imports 75 percent, of which 80 percent is from the Gulf.
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