@Cyprinide: bei globalsecurity steht das hier:
Zitat:By early 2002 CVN-77 did not have a name yet, though Sen. John Warner, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, had suggested the vessel be called Lexington. The name is rich in naval tradition and held by two illustrious carriers, one of which sank in the Battle of Coral Sea in 1942.

On December 9, 2002 Secretary of the Navy Gordon England officially named the Navy's 10th Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, CVN 77, in honor of World War II naval aviator and former President of the United States George Herbert Walker Bush during a ceremony at the Pentagon.
übrigens wurde die uss "john c. stennis" als erstes schiff - noch vor cvn-77 - nach einer noch lebenden persönlichkeit benannt.

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Flugzeugträger - von Leopard17 - 02.02.2004, 18:56

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