17.01.2006, 21:48
:hand: diese nette meldung stammt von <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.kommersant.com/page.asp?idr=527&id=640497">http://www.kommersant.com/page.asp?idr=527&id=640497</a><!-- m --> :
Zitat:Russia Prepares for Evacuation // As the U.S. and Iran prepare for war:daumen: russland ist bereits umgeschwenkt, mal sehen ob china folgen wird ...
The European Union decided to break off negotiations with Iran on its nuclear program. The final decision on the holding of an extraordinary meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency and the forwarding of the Iranian dossier to the UN Security Council will be made next week in London at negotiations with representatives of the United States, EU, Russia and China. Moscow has already made it clear that it will no longer cover for Iran, which removed the seals from its nuclear facilities yesterday. Kommersant has learned that the Russian military delegation has Teheran, cutting off negotiations on the sale of S-300 complexes to it. An evacuation plan for the Russian specialists working in Iran is being developed in Moscow. [...]
Lavrov made it clear that Russia would support the proposal to forward the dossier on Iran to the UN Security Council, even though Moscow had opposed that step until now. [...]