25.12.2005, 19:19
Zitat:RAF blow in Saudi deal for TyphoonsQuelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.theherald.co.uk/news/53090.html">http://www.theherald.co.uk/news/53090.html</a><!-- m -->
Some of the RAF's frontline fighter squadrons could be left flying 25-year-old Tornado aircraft while Saudi Arabia takes delivery of the batch of new Eurofighter Typhoon jets meant to replace them.
The claim follows an announcement that Britain is to divert to Riyadh up to 72 of the 89 Typhoons on order in a £7bn deal to be paid in oil. Over the lifetime of the jets, the training, support and maintenance package could be worth up to £20bn to British industry.
Derzeit spuken ja einige Zahlen durch die Presse, man wird sehen was da noch so alles geht.