(Land) General Dynamics Land Systems - Stryker
So sieht ein zusätzlich gepanzerter Stryker aus:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.paletschek.de/bilder-forum/stryker.jpg">http://www.paletschek.de/bilder-forum/stryker.jpg</a><!-- m -->
kurzer Text dazu:
Spc. Eric Buffington, from 3rd Brigade, the Army’s first Stryker Brigade, helps General Dynamics contractors at Camp Udairi, Kuwait, install slat armor onto Strykers for added protection against rocket-propelled grenade attacks as the vehicles are prepared for deployment to Iraq.

Und Quelle ist: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.armytimes.com">http://www.armytimes.com</a><!-- m -->

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