29.08.2005, 21:41
:hand: von <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.strategypage.com/fyeo/howtomakewar/default.asp?target=HTAIRMO.HTM">http://www.strategypage.com/fyeo/howtom ... TAIRMO.HTM</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:U.S. Army Seeks Mini-C-130dem programm sollte man sich anschleißen :daumen:
The U.S. Army is using its current priority in Pentagon budgeting to get several billion dollars, and no opposition from the air force, to buy a new fixed wing transport. According to an agreement with the air force over half a century ago, the army is restricted in how many (very few) fixed wing aircraft it can have. Currently the Army National Guard is allowed to operate 44 two engine (propeller) C-23 aircraft. [...]
But in Iraq, the army C-23s have proved invaluable in getting priority army cargos where they are needed. Despite all the air force C-130s there, the army has to wait up to five days to get a C-130. The air force has the final word on what their C-130s carry, and that’s why the army wants some of its own transports.
So the army is asking for up to $4 billion to buy 128 replacement aircraft. The new transport would be a militarized version of an existing transport (CN-235, C-295 and C-27J are most often mentioned.) What all these aircraft have in common is greater capacity (about half the C-130s 20 ton load), and the ability to fly higher than the C-23s 20,000 foot maximum altitude (which prevents it from being used in Afghanistan). [...]