Iranisches Atomprogramm
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Zitat:Iran says 'examining Russian proposal' ahead of key nuclear talks

TEHRAN (AFP) May 21, 2005

Iran said Saturday that it was "examining" a proposal on its uranium work it said has been made by Russia just days ahead of crisis nuclear talks with Britain, France and Germany.

Top nuclear negotiator Cyrus Nasseri told AFP that "the Russians have made a proposal" under which Iran would apparently be able to resume uranium conversion work at a plant in Isfahan, but the gas produced would be sent to Russia for the ultra-sensitive process of enrichment.

The resulting nuclear fuel would then be transferred back to Iran to power the Bushehr power station, which is being built with Russian assistance.

"We are in the process of examining this proposal," Nasseri said, but gave no further details.

However his comments were at odds with Washington, who said a similar proposal had been made by Iran -- and not the Russians.

"There is apparently an Iranian idea like this that they have floated with the Russians," State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said Friday, before going on to rubbish the proposal.
Der negative Standpunkt der USA gegen diesen Vorschlag kann ich nicht nachvollziehen.

Die Iraner würden sich im Grunde bereit erklären auf die Urananreicherung zu verzichten und lediglich ein Vorprodukt für den Anreichungsprozess herstellen.
Die sensible Anreicherung selbst würden dann in Russland stattfinden.
Also was spricht denn dagegen, ausser man möchte die Verhandlungen gezielt scheitern lassen ?

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