Hugh - Militaerexperte Azrail hat gesprochen - natuerlich haben sich Doktrin veraendert/weiterentwickelt - hat aber weniger was mit Akzeptanz von Verlusten zu tun - die Amis sind immernoch bereit zu kaempfen und zu bluten - naja sollen Leute wie du ruhig am Bild des verweichlichten Westens festhalten - sowas ist nur von Vorteil....

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Zitat:Nov. 9, 2003
Al-Qaida set to launch psychological warfare in Iraq

Al-Qaida is not only operating in Iraq against coalition forces, it is preparing for the next stage of guerrilla warfare: winning the hearts and minds of ordinary Iraqi Sunnis and wearing down the will of the American public.
Zitat:Posted on Sun, Nov. 09, 2003

Foreign militants behind Iraq attacks, officials say
By Richard C. Paddock, Alissa J. Rubin and Greg Miller
Los Angeles Times

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Answering Osama bin Laden's call for a holy war in Iraq, hundreds of followers from at least eight nations have entered the country and are playing a major role in attacking Western targets and Iraqi civilians, U.S. and Iraqi officials say.

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