Palestina und israelischer Frieden
Gestern war Balfour Declaration Day Smile
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und die Palästinenser verlangen von GB eine Entschuldigung
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Da bleibt mir nur noch zu sagen: God save the Queen.


Zum Anschlag auf die Amerikaner im Gazastreifen
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Zitat:Palestinians condemn US reward for info on Gaza bombing

Remnants of a US diplomatic car attacked in Beit Hanoun on October 15

The Palestinian Authority on Sunday condemned the US for offering a reward of up to $5 million for people providing information about the attack on American convoy in the Gaza Strip on October 15.
A senior PA official in Ramallah described the US offer as "imprudent" and a "flagrant intervention in Palestinian affairs."

das beste ist aber das Abu Shabak die Ermitlungen leitet - jemand der verantwortlich gemacht wird fuern attentat auf einen Bus soll Terroristen aufspueren

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On November 20, 2000 an Israeli school bus was blown up outside of Kfar Darom by the Palestinian Preventive Security forces. The terror attack killed two teachers, Miriam Amitai and Gavriel Biton, and grievously wounded many of the school children. The three young children of Ofir and Noga Cohen, Orit, Yisrael and Tehilla, sustained the most serious of these injuries. See Photos. Orit, 12, had part of her leg amputated, Yisrael, 7, had his entire leg removed, and Tehilla, 9, had to have both her legs removed in life-saving surgery.

The chief suspects in the bus bombing, identified by the Israel's security service, were then-Preventive Security force chief Mohammed Dahlan and his deputy Rashid Abu Shabak.

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