11.01.2005, 17:24
Zitat:Luftkissenboote dürften m.e. doch ein ideales Hilfsmittel für solche Situationen sein?@beat: Eigentlich Du hast recht. Die Luftkissenboote sind ein ideales Hilsmittel in solchen Krisensituationen.
Aber USN durfte bis jetzt für Humanitaerehilfe nur seine Hubschraubern verwenden. Der Grund dafür ist sind die Indoneser.
Ein quote aus Financial Times:
Zitat:A US plan to use navy landing craft to deploy about 1,000 marines on the tsunami-stricken west coast of Indonesia's Aceh province has been delayed because of Indonesian concern that it might resemble an invasion, senior US military officials have said.Und ein zweites aus Washington Post:
Zitat:Though Indonesia has allowed U.S. Navy helicopters to fly hundreds of helicopter relief missions from the USS Abraham Lincoln battle group to towns along the Sumatran coast, the government has expressed concerns over the security of the Marines and worries about the impact of their presence.Ich hoffe das ich deine Frage
But the problems putting the Marines ashore appeared to be mostly political.
Indonesia's government has for decades been battling an insurgency in Aceh, Sumatra's northernmost province where Meulaboh is located, and has long made the region off-limits to foreigners. And relations between Jakarta and Washington are bumpy. The United States has accused Indonesia of human rights violations, and military ties between the two nations are virtually nil.
Col. Tom Greenwood, commander of the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit, based in Camp Pendleton, Calif., said the Indonesians were concerned that if the Marines went ashore in large numbers, and heavily armed, they might be perceived as an invading force?
Zitat:Weiss jemand, ob die US Navy auch ihr grosse Luftkissenlandungsboote für die Versorgung einsetzt (mind. 3 sind ja auf den WASP-Einheiten)?beantwortet habe.
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