17.12.2004, 12:31
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Zitat:Signing of Declaration of Intent Regarding the Airbus Design and Manufacturing Programme
PRETORIA --- Government is today signing a Declaration of Intent with Airbus Military, the European consortium responsible for the development of the A400M multi-role military transport aircraft.
In terms of the declaration, South Africa will participate in the A400M programme in order to boost the revitalisation of the South African aerospace sector which both parties agree has the knowledge, experience and capability in aircraft design, manufacturing, support and maintenance to contribute and benefit from the programme as a whole. The programme involves the design, development, manufacture and longer-term maintenance of the airframe for the A400M military transport.
As part of successful completion South Africa will be able to take delivery of between 8 and 14 aircraft as the programme matures between 2010 and 2014.
The cost of 8 aircraft would be Euros 837 million.