10.11.2004, 22:02
Zitat:Pakistan to buy missiles from UkraineQuelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.hindu.com/2004/11/09/stories/2004110907621200.htm">http://www.hindu.com/2004/11/09/stories ... 621200.htm</a><!-- m -->
By Vladimir Radyuhin
MOSCOW, NOV. 8. Pakistan may buy a large consignment of airborne missiles from Ukraine, a Ukrainian defence industry official was quoted as saying.
The head of a missile-building factory in Ukraine said that his company was about to sign a major contract with Pakistan.
The deal "will keep the factory busy for several years," the Itar-Tass news agency quoted Mr. Alexander Kachura, president of the Artyom state holding company, as saying, during a visit to the factory of the Ukrainian Prime Minister, Viktor Yanukovich, last week.
Artyom is a leading manufacturer of air-to-air guided missiles for MiG and Sukhoi aircraft in the former Soviet Union.