Iranisches Atomprogramm
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Zitat:'Iran can make the bomb, but doesn't want to'

LONDON, Nov 4 (IranMania) - Iran has the capacity to produce nuclear weapons but does not intend doing so, a senior Iranian official said Wednesday.

"We do not intend making nuclear weapons," said Ali Akbar Soltan, deputy director-general of Iran's Foreign Ministry political department.

The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) in Vienna has set a November 25 deadline for Iran to suspend uranium enrichment activities and answer all questions about its nuclear ambitions.

The United States alleges Iran is secretly trying to develop nuclear weapons, a charge Iran denies.

"If we had had such an intention, we would have done so a long time ago because Iran has the capacity to do so, especially talented scientists," Soltani told an international conference.
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Zitat:EU contradictory approach to Iran enrichment program
The Europeans have even made contradictory statements on the same day. For example, European diplomats in Vienna on Tuesday said that the European Union is no longer explicitly calling for an indefinite suspension of Iran's uranium enrichment program. The diplomats said ambassadors from Britain, France, and Germany were to hand over the EU's written offer in Tehran on Tuesday, ahead of a scheduled meeting with Iran in Paris on Friday.

"This paper fudges the uranium enrichment question by saying suspension needs to hold until the conclusion of negotiations over the long-term status of Iran's program," said a Western diplomat who requested anonymity. It is "a very polished linguistic version, so to speak, to bypass that problem (indefinite suspension of enrichment)," another diplomat close to the talks said, according to AFP.

However, French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier on the same day called for Iran to announce a "lasting" halt to its uranium enrichment activities. Barnier said the bloc wanted a "lasting" suspension.

German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer also told reporters on Tuesday that the international community should accept Iran's "legitimate right to use nuclear power for peaceful purposes according to international agreements". But he said Iran must "stop the (uranium) fuel cycle".

All the documents indicate that even when Iran agreed to voluntarily “suspend” its uranium enrichment program as a confidence-building measure at the Tehran conference in October 2003, in which Mr. Fischer himself was a leading partner along with the foreign ministers of Britain and France, there was no mention of the word “halt”. Moreover, the recent EU document which was obtained by the AFP news agency says Iran is being asked to indefinitely “suspend” its enrichment program until an agreement is reached, and this means that the suspension should not last a long time.

Though Iran has announced that it is prepared to provide all necessary assurances that its nuclear energy program will remain peaceful and has even allowed intensive inspections of its nuclear facilities by signing the additional protocol to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and given that UN inspections have not produced any hard evidence that Iran’s civilian nuclear program has been diverted, the contradictory EU statements are not conducive to a satisfactory conclusion of the talks.
Es ist ganz offensichtlich nicht der Iran, der hier Spielchen treibt...

Aber es gibt auch positive Signale aus dem euopäischen Lager :

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Zitat:Straw: GB würde Angriff auf Iran nicht unterstützen

Nach dem Wahlsieg von US-Präsident George W. Bush hat der britische Außenminister Jack Straw klargestellt, dass sich sein Land an einer Militäraktion gegen den Iran nicht beteiligen würde.

"Ich kann mir keine Bedingungen vorstellen, unter denen Militäraktionen gegen den Iran gerechtfertigt sein würden", sagte Straw heute in einem BBC-Radiointerview. Er glaube allerdings auch nicht, dass die USA ein militärisches Eingreifen planten. Die internationale Gemeinschaft wolle den Streit über das iranische Atomprogramm "konstruktiv" lösen.

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