(Europa) Griechische Rüstungsindustrie
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Zitat:European Defence Industry: the case of Greece

Since the tragic events of September 2001 the European defence expenditures picture has significantly changed under the influence of rising demand for modernization of defence infrastructure and the need to address asymmetrical threats.

The latest forecasts suggest that after 2001 and for the following decade the average annual rate of development of the European defence industry is set to increase and reach a healthy 7,5%. This boost is mainly attributed to the increasing defence budgets in the largest European countries such as UK and France.

However the positive picture does not suggest increasing spending all around the continent and as a result the opportunities and problems are very different if considered on a country to country basis. For example, the leading European defence contractors Thales Group and EADS had a substantial increase in their income figures from 2002 to 2003, a 37% and a 16% respectively while the British BAE Systems suffered a slight decrease of almost 4% in revenues.

In any case the primary objective for all European defence contractors is to adapt quickly to the new environment by investing in new technologies, forming strategic partnerships and reducing costs in order to remain competitive and survive against the pressure from their counterparts in the other side of the Atlantic.

To begin with, Greek industrial environment has changed rapidly during the last fifteen years from a sector with minimal contribution to the defence procurement to a sector with a small but increasingly important role in the country’s defence needs.

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