Sri Lanka (ceylon) - Tamilen
Norway denies providing military training to Sri Lankan Tamil rebels

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Zitat:COLOMBO, Aug. 27 (Xinhuanet) -- The Norwegian government on Fridaydenied providing any military training to Sri Lanka's separatist Tamil Tiger rebels when they visited Norway in April last year, the Norwegian embassy here said in a statement.

"The Government of Norway has, needless to say, never provided any military training to the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) or other armed movements," the statement said, referring to media reports about a seminar in Norwegian capital Oslo.

"The visit of the Political Affairs Committee of the LTTE to the Rena military camp in Norway on 1 April 2003, referred to in the media report, was a part of the Committee's tour of the Nordic countries to study aspects of democratic government," the statement said. (...)

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