15.07.2004, 19:45
@thomas bezueglich sklaverei
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://news.myway.com/world/article/id/60556|world|07-14-2004::19:26|reuters.html">http://news.myway.com/world/article/id/ ... uters.html</a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://news.myway.com/world/article/id/60556|world|07-14-2004::19:26|reuters.html">http://news.myway.com/world/article/id/ ... uters.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Foreigners Face Slavery-Like Life in Saudi -- Reportudn da gibts auch so ne nette Anzeige in ner Saudischen Zeitung wo einer fuer ne Frau ein Auto zum Tausch angeboten hat.....
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LONDON (Reuters) - Many of the millions of foreign laborers in Saudi Arabia suffer from extreme exploitation and work under conditions that resemble slavery, an international human rights watchdog said on Thursday.
Saudi Arabia said the report exaggerated the experiences of a few of the more than six million foreigners working in the kingdom, and noted that millions of families around the world were dependent on remittances from such workers.
The New York-based Human Rights Watch, in its first comprehensive report on foreign laborers in the oil-rich kingdom, slammed Saudi authorities, the legal system and private employers for a range of abuses that sometimes led to death.