03.06.2004, 13:11
Eine weitere Meldung:
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Und das Video dazu:
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Zitat:The Ambulances-for-Terrorists Scandalhttp://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.as...E_ID=38747
By Michelle Malkin
CNSNews.com Commentary
June 02, 2004
The United Nations and Red Cross have been providing cover for terrorists-literally. And American taxpayers are footing some of the bill.
Last week, an Israeli television station aired footage of armed Arab terrorists in southern Gaza using an ambulance owned and operated by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). Palestinian gunmen used the UNRWA emergency vehicle as getaway transportation after murdering six Israeli soldiers in Gaza City on May 11.
The footage shows two ambulances with flashing lights pull onto a street. Shots and shouts ring out during the nighttime raid. A gang of militants piles into one of the supposedly neutral ambulances, clearly marked "U.N." with the agency's blue flag flying from the roof, which then speeds away from the scene.
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Und das Video dazu:
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