25.05.2004, 22:48
Das soll ein allgemeiner Sammelthread werden, in dem alles, was mit den chinesischen Streitkräften, Waffentechnologie, Meldungen, Analysen usw. gepostet werden kann und soll, daß keinen eigenen Thread wert ist bzw. in keinem anderen Thread diskutiert wird.
China"s Military Sacrilege
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.gateway2russia.com/st/art_237474.php">http://www.gateway2russia.com/st/art_237474.php</a><!-- m -->
China"s Military Sacrilege
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.gateway2russia.com/st/art_237474.php">http://www.gateway2russia.com/st/art_237474.php</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:The PRC is demanding that Russia sell it the latest generation of military technology. This not only contradicts the strategic interests of Russia’s defense industry, but it could also create a threat to national security.
Alexei Khazbiev
At a late April meeting in Beijing with Russian defense minister Sergei Ivanov, the chairman of China’s State Council Weng Jiabao announced that “the practice of acquiring finished military hardware from Russia has run its course and now the time has come to find new forms of cooperation.” The Chinese Minister of Defense Cao Gangchuan proposed removing all limits on military hardware supply and giving Chinese specialists access to top-secret Russian military know-how.
At present, Russia’s Ministry of Defense views China as a likely military opponent, and for this reason prohibits sales of certain kinds of Russian military technology to the PRC. However the Chinese were never bothered by this fact before, as Russians approached trade with China over the last ten years along the lines of “take what you’re given.” The Chinese did precisely that, and in great quantities. The People’s Liberation Army of China (PLA) consistently bought $1.5-2 billion in weapons from Russian every year. Russia’s share of Chinese weaponry imports reached 90%. Clearly, the Chinese have changed their tune. But why? (...)