positive nachrichten aus der türkei
anscheinend scheint sich die öffentliche meinung
, in der türkei langsam zu gunsten eines staates im nordirak zu ändern
in letzter zeit höre ich immer mehr solche stimmen
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solche sätze höre ich gerne
Kurds have never acted against an ethnic group. They always tried to protect the democratic and fundamental rights.
believe they have produced a great mechanism in the past 12 years. International links, infrastructure, political attitudes were formulated. They have shown to the world that they can govern themselves.
und weiter
What our Foreign Ministry should do is maintain relations with the main players. Today, the main group with the power is the Kurds.
eine richtige feststellung
und noch besser
Kurds are our neighbors, brothers and relatives. A large proportion of Kurds are conservative Muslims, but they are more liberal, democratic and secular. Turkey’s regime and the main principles of this regime will force us to cooperate with Kurds.
Kurds are the most western oriented community in the Middle East. They are open to modernization. Kurdish population in the Middle east is 30 million
das sind wir wirklich !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
und noch eine aufforderung
If Turkey had made peace with Kurds, it would have produced a substantial synergy. Turkey would have been very strong

also wenn sich die öfffentliche meinung in der türkei langsam zu gunsten der kurden ändert, können wir im falle eines scheitern, getrost einen staat ausrufen
es werden immer mehr , vor allem der akp nahestehende politiker

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