20.04.2004, 20:04
Zitat:M60 A1 RISE/Passive - 274 - 170 will receive SABRA III upgrade program which is to be completed by 2007. The upgrade program encompasses thermal imaging and Elbit Knight-III fire control system (including stabilizer and ballistic computer), 120mm Merkawa-IV smoothbore cannon (with LAHAT guided ammunition) and fume extractor, automatic fire and explosion suppression system, Merkawa-IV add-on armor technology and explosive reactive armor (ERA), 1200 hp MTU diesel engine/transmission, full system modernization and integration capability, new improved Merkawa-IV tracks, RWR/IR warning system and NBC protection. The remaining M60A1 and M60A3 tanks are likely to undergo the same upgrade process with more involvement of Turkish companies, upon completion of the upgrade of first 170 tanks.Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://warriorsoul.4t.com/army.html">http://warriorsoul.4t.com/army.html</a><!-- m -->
Die M-60 A1 die auf den Sabra Standart modenisiert werden bekommen lasergelenkte "LAHAT-Raketen" die eine Reichweite von 8km besitzen. die Lahat-Raketen können von verschiedenen Kalibern aus verschossen werden sowohl von 120mm als auch von 105mm Kanonen.
Informationen zu LAHAT:
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.defense-update.com/news/62702lahat120.htm">www.defense-update.com/news/62702lahat120.htm</a><!-- w -->
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.defense-update.com/directory/lahat.htm">www.defense-update.com/directory/lahat.htm</a><!-- w -->