Türkische Rüstungsindustrie
Zitat:GÖZDE Guidance Kit Hits High-Speed Moving Target
05 Mar 2025, 14:26 1 min
GÖZDE Guidance Kit Hits High-Speed Moving Target TurDef
During a recent test flown from an F-16, ASELSAN and TÜBİTAK SAGE’s GÖZDE Guidance Kit proved their precision attack capabilities by striking a high-speed moving target.

Involving a fast-moving vehicle target, the test highlighted GÖZDE’s accuracy. Target was laser-designated from an aerial platform using an electro-optical system; GÖZDE followed it using an integrated INS/GPS/Laser Seeker guiding system before precisely hitting.


Ein Video vom Test: https://youtu.be/JmtjP6T_goI?si=4ZezfcpCifB_iJ4s

Zitat:TUSAŞ and DeltaV agree on High-Resolution Micro Satellites
05 Mar 2025, 17:02 2 mins
Space Sensors Engine and Transmission
TUSAŞ and DeltaV agree on High-Resolution Micro Satellites TurDef
Under the arrangement, DeltaV will build a propulsion system to launch the locally built micro satellite into orbit with a high-resolution electro-optical payload.

The "High-Resolution Micro Satellite" by TUSAŞ combines flight computers, power and interface units, ground and flight software, and flight computers, among other Indigenous systems. Under this arrangement, the satellite's propulsion system will also be locally produced and included for launch. This evolution represents a major turning point in Türkiye's increasing influence in space technology. Initiated with funds from TUSAŞ, the initiative seeks to rank Türkiye among the top nations in high-resolution satellite technology.


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