17.12.2024, 06:45
Offenbar hat die IAF bei einem Angriff ein Munitionsdepot getroffen, zumindest hat es eine äußerst heftige Explosion gegeben...
Zitat:Massive reported IDF strike shakes Syria's Tartushttps://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at...a-s-tartus
The target was apparently a weapons depot, with the explosion so large it caused seismic equipment to log 3 on the Richter scale. [...] The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that the Israel Defense Forces launched massive attacks early Monday on the coastal Tartus region, in the largest attack witnessed since the beginning of the civil war 12 years ago. [...]
Despite Syrian rebel leaders speaking against the strikes, the IDF said it will not allow these weapons, which include chemical and biological weapons, from reaching the hands of jihadists.