Türkische Rüstungsindustrie
Zitat:Bayraktar TB3 Starts Night Approach Tests with TCG ANADOLU
08 Nov 2024, 02:31 2 mins

Navy / Maritime Unmanned Systems
Bayraktar TB3 Starts Night Approach Tests with TCG ANADOLU
Baykar CTO Selçuk Bayraktar has shared the footage of Bayraktar TB3 UCAV performing approaches towards TCG ANADOLU's deck at night.
Despite the poor visibility conditions at night, the UCAV successfully managed to match its trajectory with the deck.
Following the first ski-jump test from a test runway imitating TCG ANADOLU LHD's (L400) announced on June 1, 2024, Bayraktar TB3 has begun its approach tests for the last phase of its testing, almost a year after the maiden flight.
These approach tests will continue at different daytime, weather, and ship cruise conditions to validate Bayraktar TB3's capability for autonomous approach within the scope of design goals.


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