02.10.2024, 17:43
Zitat:This week I visited an FPV production line here in Ukraine that is building 100,000 drones a month. That's not a typo: 100,000 a month. And even that output fails to match the needs of Ukraine's front-line forces.https://x.com/nolanwpeterson/status/1841499789424308490
It's an unbelievably impressive operation, comprising 1,500 workers divided into two shifts. They quality-control each component, and a team of drone pilots puts each drone through a short flight profile to ensure its airworthiness.
The vast space hummed with activity. There was urgency in the effort. This was grassroots resistance at its core — the pairing of commercial innovation and a civilian population wholly committed to the war effort.
I used to be a drone warfare skeptic. I thought, for a long time, that drones were a makeshift solution to deficits in air power and artillery ammunition. But no longer. I'm now convinced that drones have an inherent utility that supersedes their capacity to sub in for these other, legacy weapons.
Ukrainians are the experts in this new era of warfare. They're able to harness the power of bottom-up innovation — a process that's driven by the needs of warfighters and then reinforced by a nonstop feedback loop in which front-line troops work with engineers to continually refine their technological tools.
The war in Ukraine increasingly orbits around drones. The trend line is clear, and based on what I've been seeing these past few years, the US is way behind — in terms of technology, tactics, and military culture. We're still wedded to old ideas, and we're not learning the right lessons. Above all, we do not have the capacity to adapt our technologies and our doctrine at the proverbial speed of war, such as the Ukrainians have done.
Wir werden uns noch so in den Allerwertesten beißen diesen Krieg solange laufen zu lassen. Wenn sich diese Fortschritte in der Waffentechnik und -produktion institutionalisieren haben wir eine völlige Revolution des Bodenkrieges. Darauf vorbereitet sind wird nicht, mental nicht, doktrinell nicht und finanziell auch nicht.
Die andere Seite dagegen schon.