Kaukasus - Bruchzone
Und nicht nur die USA und anscheinend auch die Ukrainer mischen in der Lücke mit, die durch den Zerfall der russischen Hegemonie im Südkaukasus entstanden ist, sondern wohl auch die Inder...
Zitat:Armenia seeks India’s help to upgrade its Su-30 fighters

The development comes on the back of Armenia ordering rocket systems, artillery guns and weapon locating radars from India. [...] Armenia, which has fought two wars with Azerbaijan since the collapse of the Soviet Union, is seeking India’s help to upgrade its small fleet of Russia-built Su-30SM fighter aircraft, with the development coming on the back of the country ordering rocket systems, artillery guns and weapon locating radars from India, top officials aware of the development said. [...]

A top Indian official confirmed Armenia’s interest in the Su-30 upgrade by HAL.

“There’s some conversation happening around that, but it’s at an initial stage. The Su-30 variant operated by Armenia is different from the Su-30MKIs in IAF service. So that aspect must be factored in, along with the complicated dynamics in that region, including India’s longstanding and trusted defence partner Russia moving closer to Azerbaijan after the war with Ukraine began,” the official said asking not to be named.

Das Wissen dazu haben die Inder in jedem Fall, sie haben ja selbst die Su-30 MKI im Bestand. Und gut möglich, man denke an die neuerdings doch recht enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen Indien und Washington, hat hier der eine oder andere Pentagon-Offizielle dem Deal ein wenig unter die Arme gegriffen...


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