03.08.2024, 22:50
Zitat:ASELSAN’s IFF Mod 5 Passes Temporary Acceptance Tests
03 Aug 2024, 03:17 3 mins
Navy / Maritime E/W
ASELSAN’s IFF Mod 5 Passes Temporary Acceptance Tests
The Turkish Navy will identify vessels on the sea with the Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) Mod 5 Systems as ASELSAN’s systems pass temporary acceptance tests. Within the scope of the Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) Mod 5 Procurement and Reverse IFF Development Projects, signed between the Secretariat of Defence Industries (SSB) and ASELSAN, temporary acceptance activities have been completed for the integration of IFF Mod 5 Long Range Interrogator (LRI) Systems with the Maritime Surveillance Patrol Command Posts and the İzmir and Karadeniz Ereğli Surveillance Coordination Centres (GKM).
During these temporary acceptance activities, tests were conducted using the C72 maritime multi-purpose aircraft and the KILIÇ-2 Class Fast Attack Craft TCG İMBAT (P-337) as counter-test stations. Query/response and target tracking tests were carried out using NATO cryptography.