13.07.2024, 13:51
Offenbar ist es den Ukrainern gelungen, das russische Raketentestzentrum in Kapustin Jar (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Testgel%C3...pustin_Jar) zu treffen. Über die Schäden gibt es keine genaueren Angaben, allerdings haben sich die Ukrainer damit wieder ein Ziel ausgesucht, dem man zumindest eine gewisse strategische Bedeutung zurechnen kann - und eigentlich hieß es kürzlich, dass sie solche Ziele (auf Hinweis aus Washington) nicht mehr attackieren sollten...
Zitat:Ukraine Situation Report: Russian Strategic Missile Testing Facility Attackedhttps://www.twz.com/news-features/ukrain...y-attacked
The attack on the Kapustin Yar site 400 miles from the front lines appears to be another in a string of Ukrainian strikes on Russian strategic military assets. [...] New satellite imagery appears to show the aftermath of a Ukrainian drone strike on a Russian strategic missile test range installation, the latest in a string of attacks against Moscow’s strategic assets.
The before-and-after low-resolution images show what appear to be scorch marks in several areas of the Kapustin Yar facility in Astrakhan Oblast more than 400 miles from the front lines. The exact extent of the damage, however, cannot be determined from these images. [...] “The Russians released a video from the field capturing UAV strikes hitting the assembly and testing building of the military test range in the Akhtubinsk district,” the Ukrainian Militinaryi news outlet reported. The video shows black smoke pouring out of the building, followed by the sound of an explosion, with a bright flash leading to a cloud of black and brown smoke.