06.07.2024, 15:22
Zitat:SAMI Signs MoU with Turkish Defence Firms
06 Jul 2024, 09:24 2 mins
Bilateral Relations
SAMI Signs MoU with Turkish Defence Firms
Saudi Arabian SAMI has signed MoUs with three Turkish defence firms to contribute to its localised defence industry efforts. SAMI has announced the signing of MoUs with Baykar, ASELSAN, and Fergani (Baykar’s subsidiary for space systems). The MoU signed with Baykar covers establishing local production in Saudi Arabia for the firm’s UAV platforms.
Saudi Arabia has made a major purchase of AKINCI UCAVs for multiple branches of its armed forces with an aforementioned local production. The sale is worth $3 billion, breaking a record in defence exports.
The cooperation with ASELSAN involves the cooperation of electronic systems. This will likely involve systems to be used in AKINCI as well, with the UCAV set to use ASELSAN’s systems like ASELFLIR-500, ASELFLIR-600, and MURAD AESA radar.
However, this might also extend to guided munitions to be provided alongside AKINCI. The cooperation with Fergani is aimed at the joint development of space systems. The Gulf country has been interested in entering the sector in the last few years.
Fergani is currently developing small-sized satellites for a variety of applications. The total value of trade between the two countries reached $6.8 billion in 2023, of which $2.62 billion are Turkish exports to Saudi Arabia.
Der saudische Rüstungskonzern SAMI hat Kooperationsabkommen mit drei türkischen Rüstungskonzernen geschlossen. Beim Abkommen mit Baykar geht es um die lokale Fertigung von UCAV wie der Akinci. Bei der Kooperation mit Aselsan geht um die Bereitstellung moderner Sensoren für UAV, darunter fallen Aselflir-500 & 600 sowie das MURAD AESA Radar und auch intelligente Munition und Bomben für UCAV. Das Unternehmen Ferghani was auch zu Baykartech gehört ist spezialisiert auf die Entwicklung von Kleinsatelitten für die niedrige Erdumlaufbahn, diese kooperieren ebenfalls mit Saudi Arabien.
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