Kaukasus - Bruchzone
Der "grüne Unterleib" Russlands bleibt weiterhin äußerst labil - und erneut zeigen sich (auch) die Folgen der wahnhaften Fixierung der Moskauer Führung auf die Ukraine und die daraus resultierende Vernachlässigung der kaukasischen und zentralasiatischen Regionen. Allerdings (im Artikel zu finden) verweisen im Kontext der aktuellen Angriffe nationalistische Kreise wieder mal auf den Westen und die Ukraine - obgleich hier sehr wahrscheinlich wieder Islamisten dahinterstecken...

Meldung von letzter Woche:
Zitat:Twenty dead in attacks on churches and synagogue in southern Russia

Attacks on police posts, churches and a synagogue in Russia's North Caucasus republic of Dagestan have left 20 people dead, most of them police officers. Five gunmen were also killed. At least 46 people were taken to hospital with injuries after the Sunday evening attack.

Three days of mourning have been declared in Dagestan, a predominantly Muslim republic in southern Russia which neighbours Chechnya. The apparently coordinated attacks targeted the cities of Derbent and Makhachkala on the Orthodox festival of Pentecost, with an Orthodox priest among those killed. [...]

Russian media reported that around 18:00 (15:00 GMT) local time on Sunday, gunmen opened fire with automatic weapons on an Orthodox church and a synagogue in Derbent, which is home to an ancient Jewish community. Two gunmen were said to have then retreated into a nearby building, where police later said they were killed. The Kele-Numaz synagogue was severely damaged by fire.

At around the same time, in the city of Makhachkala, two gunmen ran into an Orthodox church, tried to set fire to its main icon and then opened fire, Izvestia newspaper said. Videos on social media showed heavy shooting also taking place outside the church when gunmen dressed in black took aim at passing police cars with automatic weapons. A police post near the Makhachkala synagogue was also attacked.


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