(21.06.2024, 08:01)Quintus Fabius schrieb: Ironischerweise sind sehr viele der Afghanen welche hier in dieser Bundesrepublik als Flüchtlinge unterwegs sind eben nicht aus Afghanistan, sondern aus dem Iran. Die Afghanen fliehen also in den Iran, während Afghanen welche im Iran geboren wurden aus dem Iran hierher kommen und dann behaupten aus Afghanistan zu sein, obwohl sie aus dem Iran sind.

Für die Erlangung der iranischen Staatsbürgerschaft müsste ein Elternteil die Staatsbürgerschaft besitzen, oder es muss eine Ehe mit einer Iranerin/Iraner eingegangen werden. Ausnahmen bilden Waisenkinder, wo die Herkunft unklar bzw. undokumentiert ist. Ergo wäre die Aussage der betreffenden Flüchtlinge auch völlig korrekt.

Zitat:Wie werden Flüchtlinge im Iran eigentlich versorgt ? Gibt es dafür staatliche Leistungen / Flüchtlingslager / karitative Arbeit ? Gibt es im Iran Asylverfahren und falls ja, wie laufen diese ab ?

Meines Wissens nach stehen allen Ausländern (Flüchtlinge, Touristen) im Iran grundsätzlich die gleichen medizinischen Grundleistungen zu, wie Inländern. Auch dann, wenn ihr Herkunftsstatus undgeklärt bzw. undokumentiert ist. Das Selbe betrifft das Recht auf freie Bildung in einer staatlichen Schule, für Jungs und Mädchen jeder Glaubensrichtung. Die Asylverfahren sind im Iran vorrangig ein Registrierungsprozess. Eine inhaltliche Prüfung der Anliegen gibt es nur sehr bedingt. Vorrangiges Ziel der Regierung ist die Registrierung selbst. Die Afghanen kommen im Zweifel sowieso zu hunderttausenden ins Land. Wieviel Zeit sollte man da mit monatelangen Asylverfahren verschwenden? Ansonsten ist aufgrund mangelnder finanzieller Grundsicherung die Situation für Flüchtlinge nicht einfach. Niemand lebt lange freiwillig in den Notunterkünsten, die vom Iran in Grenznähe aufgebaut wurden. Nur Anfänger, Alte, Kranke lassen sich darauf ein und die anderen ziehen einfach weiter und verteilen sich quer über das Land, suchen einfache Arbeiten.

Hier werden die zentralen Punkte genannt:

Zitat:According to the 2016 national census of Iran, most of the Afghan population lives in the five provinces of Tehran, Alborz, Isfahan, Khorasan Razavi and Kerman. However, a year after the terrorist attacks in two shrines in April and October 2022, where Afghan nationals were among the perpetrators, Iran’s Supreme National Security Council decided to limit the presence of Afghans to half of the country (or 16 out of 31 provinces). Afghans in Iran are mainly employed in construction, agriculture, livestock farming and low status jobs in service sections where they form an army of low-paid workers who often receive less than the minimum wage and are not covered by social security. Some Afghans are still lucky enough to be employed in better paid jobs, but they are in the minority.

Western sanctions on the Islamic Republic, combined with the state’s mismanagement of resources, have had devastating effects on the economy, which include rampant inflation (annual rate: 40.2%, Nov 2023), devaluation of the Iranian currency, sky-rocketing housing prices and salaries which do not match the inflation. All those factors impact the lives of Afghans, too. They have been forced to mainly live in slums around big cities, impoverished suburban areas, or tolerate difficult living conditions in big cities such as Tehran. Nevertheless, Iran’s strict laws which prevent foreigners from obtaining citizenship, left many of the educated refugees or skilled workers from Afghanistan to depart Iran for European and North American countries. As a result, less educated and unskilled Afghans stayed in Iran, and occupied lower status jobs which Iranian citizens prefer not to do. Although some Afghan migrants succeeded in obtaining legal documents, they have never been looked at equally as an Iranian citizen: they are not allowed to vote or have a representative at the parliament, they cannot purchase properties or get a driving license. In short, nearly five decades since their first arrival, Afghans are seen as “second class” people and are deprived of a legal status.

Rising economic woes, unstable labour market and nationalistic propaganda by unknown Iranian groups who see all Afghans as Taliban members in the past two years have gradually shaped xenophobic sentiment which reflects in anti-Afghan language in Iranian society particularly on social media. Farsi hashtag “deporting Afghans a national demand”, is seen frequently. And this anti-Afghan feeling is gradually turning into a challenge to Iranian authorities and threatens the decades-long coexistence between Iranians and Afghans. As mentioned above, the role of Afghan nationals in at least two terror incidents and claims of responsibility by the Islamic State branch in Afghanistan (IS-K) exacerbated the situation. More importantly, it has led to sporadic clashes, as was reported in early December in Yazd after an Afghan man killed a young Iranian.

The Iranian government has so far maintained good ties with Afghans, and the current rulers of Afghanistan, the Taliban. This policy is partially aimed at keeping borders safe, not antagonizing Afghan communities, especially the Sunni Afghans, and at convincing the Taliban to provide Iran with its water allocations from a border river. At the same time, Iran is aware of opportunities and the risks Afghans pose to its society. On one side there are security matters: the real threat of IS-K members entering Iran as refugees, the danger of sectarian clashes between Shia Iranians and Sunni Afghans and confrontations rising from economic or social turbulence. On the other side, the sanctioned Iranian administration considers Afghans as potential investors. Afghan businessmen are believed to make up the bulk of foreign investors in Iran. They financed 15 percent of the 4-billion-dollar foreign projects this year. Tehran sees Afghanistan as a thriving market for made-in-Iran products and is willing to boost cross-border trade. Officials also emphasize Iranian hospitality, Muslim fraternity, Shiism (in particular for Shia, Hazara Afghans), and cultural bonds as motives to host Afghan people and hope these common grounds would encourage wealthy Afghans to further invest in Iran.

In 2023, Iran started a new registration scheme, alongside a campaign of deportation of refugees who enter the country illegally. The Islamic Republic understands it needs to change some regulations regarding the presence of foreigners, especially Afghans, in Iran. Therefore, it has joined hands with the UNHCR to provide refugee-card holders with healthcare coverage, and facilitate their access to state education and banking services. Iranian authorities are aware that a mass expulsion of Afghans – as did Pakistan – would ground parts of the economy such as public services, industrial, farming, and construction sectors to a halt as Afghans are the main workforce in those fields. By adopting a more lenient approach and seizing economic opportunities, the Islamic Republic plans to reduce security threats, avoid future communal tensions and encourage Iranians to see Afghan migrants as an economic advantage.

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