03.02.2024, 22:48
Es sind Massenproduktions Verträge für Raketen der Typs Tayfun, TRG(L)-230, Sungur und Karaok abgeschlossen worden, die bald bei den türkischen Streitkräften eingeführt werden.
Zitat:A Brief Look At New Land Missiles of Turkiye
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about 3 hours ago
A Brief Look At New Land Missiles of Turkiye
A contract for the serial production of KARAOK anti-tank missile, TAYFUN ballistic missile, SUNGUR MANPADS, and TRG-230 artillery rocket was signed.
The new munitions from ROKETSAN will upgrade the current capabilities or add new ones to the Turkish Armed Forces in critical areas.
TAYFUN will be the longest-ranged ballistic missile with ranges pushing towards the boundary between SRBM and MRBM regimes.
TAYFUN was spotted to have two versions. The first one is compatible with BORA ballistic missile’s canisters size-wise, which are about seven meters long. The second one is longer, approximately nine meters in length, and is fired from a larger 8x8 vehicle named BOZAT.
The missile reached a range of 564 km during the first announced firing test, and longer ranges are planned for the missile. During an interview with TRT, ROKETSAN CEO Murat İkinci revealed some other features and plans for the missile such as mid-flight manoeuvering capability and launch capability from naval platforms. He added that TAYFUN will be developed in multiple configurations for different mission profiles.