14.01.2024, 10:49
Da die Gleitbomben der Russen immer erfolgreicher werden - was für sich selbst schon ein erstaunlicher Umstand ist - setzt die RF naturgemäß auf eine evolutionäre Weiterentwicklung dieser Systeme:
Zitat:The Russian military has offered the first clear look at a new glide bomb conversion kit with pop-out wings for the massive 1,500-kilogram (3,300-pound) class FAB-1500 M54. This weapon is three times larger than the Russian bombs with pop-out wing kits that have already become a major issue for Ukrainian forces and that have prompted notable shifts in that country's air defense tactics. Wing kit-equipped FAB-1500 M54s offer a new and far more destructive stand-off strike option for many of Russia's tactical jets that also help pilots stay further away from enemy defenses.