Krise im Roten Meer / Operation Prosperity Guardian
Genau genommen sind die aktuellen Ereignisse eine Art von Stellvertreterkrieg im Stellvertreterkrieg, dessen Protagonisten sich wiederum mit einem anderen Krieg vernetzt sehen. Ich habe deswegen davon abgesehen, das unter Piraterie abzulegen, denn es würde der Sachlage nicht ganz gerecht werden. Und auch wenn es quasi Akte der Piraterie sind, so sind diese nicht aus Not oder Gier heraus geboren, so wie etwa vor Somalia, sondern folgen einem rein politischen Kalkül.
Zitat:Red Sea naval crisis deepens after week of missile and drone attacks

UK-owned shipping the latest targets as Western naval forces rush to bolster maritime security in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.

The threat of the Israel-Hamas war spilling over into the wider Middle East region appears to have increased, following a week of apparent missile and UAV attacks on US naval warships and Western-linked commercial shipping in transit through the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.

A chronology of the attacks was also provided, starting at approximately 9:15am Sanaa time on 3 November, when the USS Carney detected an anti-ship ballistic missile attack fired from Houthi controlled areas of Yemen toward the M/V Unity Explorer, impacting in the vicinity of the vessel. The Unity Explorer is a Bahamas flagged, UK owned and operated, bulk cargo ship. At approximately 12 pm, the USS Carney engaged and shot down a UAV launched from Houthi controlled areas in Yemen, according to CENTCOM, although it was not clear whether the US warship was the intended target. In a separate attack at approximately 12:35pm, the M/V Unity Explorer reported it had been struck by a missile fired from Houthi controlled areas in Yemen. While assisting, USS Carney detected and destroyed another inbound UAV from Yemeni territory. The MV Unity Explorer reported minor damage from the missile strike.

Less than three hours later, at approximately 3:30pm the M/V Number 9 was struck by a missile fired from Houthi controlled areas in Yemen while operating international shipping lanes in the Red Sea. The Panamanian flagged, Bermuda and UK owned and operated, bulk carrier reported damage and no casualties. [...] In a statement, US CENTCOM said the attacks represented “a direct threat to international commerce and maritime security”, adding it considered that the attacks, while launched by the Houthi movement in Yemen, were “fully enabled by Iran”.


Nachrichten in diesem Thema
RE: Bürger- und Stellvertreterkrieg im Jemen - von Schneemann - 04.12.2023, 14:54

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