02.12.2023, 22:40
Wenn wir schon bei der Thematik mit Cruise Missiles u.a Lenkwaffen sind, so besitzen die türkischen Streitkräfte Fähigkeiten deren Navigation zu stören, passend dazu die Meldung das das Navigations EW System Seymen eingeführt wird. In diesem Fall wirkt die elektronische Kriegsführung im Verbund mit Boden und luftgestützter Flugabwehr.
Zitat:Meteksan Defense to develop counter drone electronic warfare system for Turkish military
November 17, 2021 Jenny Beechener Counter-UAS systems and policies
The Turkish Presidency of Defence Industries has signed an agreement with Meteksan Defense to develop a new electronic warfare (EW) system that can detect and combat rogue drone threats as well as manned aircraft, helicopters and missiles, according to a report by Unmanned Systems Technology. The system will be able to apply methods of electronic attack to the GPS and command and control (C2) systems used in many land, air and sea platforms.
Meteksan’s SEYMEN system will be used to jam or deceive a variety of threats, keeping friendly forces safe from harm. It will be composed of radar, electro-optic and electronic warfare elements integrated together on a military tactical vehicle.
SEYMEN will be able to jam and deceive navigational systems, including targets in multiple directions simultaneously and targets that use different types of GPS. It will also be able to record and analyse GPS signals, and link multiple systems together to perform co-ordinated tasks.