27.06.2023, 13:28
Von April:
Zitat:First View Of LRASM Missile Aboard A US Navy P-8A Poseidonhttps://www.navalnews.com/event-news/sea...-poseidon/
Naval News obtained from the US Navy the first images showing the LRASM (Long Range Anti-Ship Missile) fitted on a P-8A Poseidon Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA).
The two pictures show “fit checks” of the next generation missile with the Poseidon MPA. More specifically, a single LRASM was fitted to an underwing pylon of P-8A aircraft #951, belonging to naval force aircraft test squadron VX-20. These fit checks were performed in July 2020 at NAS Patuxent River. [...]
In Q1 2022, a NAVAIR PAO confirmed to Naval News that flight testing and platform integration of LRASM aboard P-8A had started, adding that “set timelines are not available at this time. Integration is on track with scheduled completion in fiscal year 2024”. Lockheed Martin told us last week that P-8 integration efforts will continue through 2025. The P-8A will be able to carry 4 missile under its wings. We understand that LRASM is too large to fit in the aircraft’s weapons bay. [...]
LRASM is continuing with both development and fielding. LRASM (AGM-158 C-1) has been fielded in the baseline configuration, while LRASM’s next modification is completing operational testing and preparing for an initial production buy. LRASM (AGM-158 C-3) is under development for fielding in FY26. The Navy has leveraged contracting efforts with USAF JASSM/LRASM program office in Eglin AFB with orders to meet operational needs of both the Navy and USAF. [...]
LRASM is designed to detect and destroy specific targets within groups of ships by employing advanced technologies that reduce dependence on intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platforms, network links and GPS navigation in electronic warfare environments. LRASM will play a significant role in ensuring military access to operate in open ocean/blue waters, owing to its enhanced ability to discriminate and conduct tactical engagements from extended ranges.