Wagners Putschversuch in Russland
Blick von Osten (Darstellung auf RT)

Surovikin positioniert sich gegen Wagner:

Zitat:The deputy commander of the Russian Joint Forces, General Sergey Surovikin, asked on Friday the fighters of the private military company Wagner Group to stop their “rebellion” against Moscow.

In a short video message released on social media, Surovikin said he had just returned from the front, where Russian forces were standing their ground against the Ukrainian offensive.

“I appeal to the fighters and commanders of the PMC Wagner,” Surovikin said, still wearing his fatigues. “We have walked a difficult road together. We fought together, took risks together, suffered losses together, and won together. We are of the same blood. We are warriors. I urge you to stop. The enemy is just waiting for the internal political situation to worsen. We should not play into the enemy’s hands in these difficult times for our country.”

He urged Wagner troops to submit to the lawfully elected authorities “before it is too late,” return to their barracks, and address their grievances peacefully.

Earlier on Friday, Wagner head Evgeny Prigozhin accused the Russian military of targeting one of the company’s field camps in a rocket attack and killing “many fighters,” vowing to march on Moscow and deal with those responsible and warning the military to stay out of his way.

Das Verteidigungsministerim spricht derweilen von einer Amnestie für Wagner Kämpfer welche die Befehle ihrer Führung verweigern und nicht am Coup teilnehmen:

Zitat:MOD warns Wagner fighters against taking part in ‘armed coup’
The Defense Ministry in Moscow has offered security guarantees to those who refuse to back Evgeny Prigozhin

The Russian Ministry of Defense has urged Wagner Group private military company soldiers to cease their armed insurrection, urging them to return to their bases.

In a statement on Saturday, the ministry claimed that members of the PMC “have been tricked into taking part in [Wagner group chief Evgeny] Prigozhin’s criminal gamble,” adding that some Wagner fighters “have already understood their mistake” and have asked the authorities for help in safely returning to their permanent deployment areas.

“This assistance has already been provided to those soldiers and commanders who sought it,” the ministry stated, asking Wagner members to “show prudence and get in touch with representatives of the Russian Defense Ministry of law enforcement agencies as soon as possible.”

“We guarantee everyone’s safety,” the statement said.

Die innere Sicherheit hat erklärt, dass in Moskau Notfallmaßnahmen gegen Terrorismus in Kraft treten:

Zitat:Russia’s National Antiterrorist Committee (NAK) has announced a “counter-terrorist operation regime” in Moscow and Moscow Region to prevent potential terrorist attacks.

Vor ungefähr zwei Stunden wurde das Hauptquartier von Wagner in St. Petersburg von der Inneren Sicherheit besetzt. Aktuell wird es durchsucht.

Zitat:Russian security operatives have entered the PMC Wagner Center in St. Petersburg, indicative of imminent searches, local media reports.

Der FSB hat offiziell ein Strafverfahren gegen Wagner und seinen Chef eingeleitet. Die offizielle Anklage ist bewaffnete Rebellion gegen die russische Föderation.

Zitat:Evgeny Prigozhin, the head of the Wagner Group private military company, is under investigation for allegedly advocating a mutiny against the government.

All of Prigozhin’s claims are “entirely unfounded,” the body said in a statement, adding that the Federal Security Service (FSB) has “opened a criminal investigation on account of calling for an armed rebellion.”

“We demand the immediate end to all illegal activity,” the anti-terrorism committee stated.

Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry accused Prigozhin of spreading falsehoods over a video circulating on social media that claimed the Russian military had attacked a base of Wagner fighters.

Selbst die bloße Planung einer solchen Rebellion bringt einem in Russland übrigens 20 Jahre Lagerhaft ein. Da kommt Wagner jetzt eigentlich nur noch raus, indem sie tatsächlich putschen / die Führung töten etc. ansonsten werden sie
ohne jeden Zweifel zerschlagen, aus Fenstern fallen oder für Jahrzehnte in Lagern in Einzelhaft enden. Eine offizielle Anklage durch den FSB kann nicht zurück genommen werden und nicht verhandelt werden. Zudem kommt so eine Anklage von Putin selbst, der FSB kann gar nicht ohne Putins Anordnung selbst eine solche Anklage erheben. Schlussendlich führt das in jedem Fall zu einer Eskalation der aktuellen Lage, weil man damit Linien überschritten hat hinter die man nicht mehr zurück gehen kann.

Spannende Sache das.

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