16.06.2023, 10:17
Zitat:Terma To Provide Scanter-6000 Radars For Skjold-Class Corvetteshttps://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/202...corvettes/
Danish defense solutions manufacturer Terma will contribute SCANTER6000 radars to the modernization of the Norwegian Navy's Skjold-class corvettes. [...] The centerpiece of this upgrade is the installation of a new combat management system (CMS), which will enhance the corvettes’ operational capabilities. In addition to this crucial enhancement, Terma is supplying SCANTER6000 radars – a highly important component for the update. These radars are renowned for their exceptional performance and will provide simultaneous small target detection, helicopter guidance, and large and small target detection at both close and maximum range. They have also demonstrated exceptional performance against non-cooperative targets even in harsh weather conditions.