03.06.2023, 21:20
Zitat:USS Oregon attack submarine receives post-delivery servicinghttps://www.naval-technology.com/news/us...servicing/
The Block IV Virginia-class attack submarine was recently delivered to the US Navy, and the platform will now undergo servicing. [...]
The work follows the vessel’s change of command in April this year, from commander Lacy Lodmell to commander John Ross. Before this, the vessel was the 20th Virgina-class SSN to be delivered to the US Navy, and the second Block IV unit of this variant, in February 2022. [...] Block IV Virginia-class submarines incorporate design changes focused on reduced total ownership cost. By making these smaller-scale design changes to increase the component-level lifecycle of the submarine, the Navy will increase the periodicity between depot maintenance availabilities and increase the number of deployments.
Blocks I-III Virginia-class submarines are planned to undergo four depot maintenance availabilities and conduct 14 deployments. Block IV design changes are intended to reduce planned availabilities by one to three, and increase deployments to 15.