23.05.2023, 10:24
Hunter 2 Drohnenschwarm:
So was per Transporthubschrauber verlegt, entsprechend von diesem abgesetzt, und dann kann der Heli zurück fliegen und den nächsten Drohnenschwarm holen. Wie berittene Bogenschützen.
Zitat:The HUNTER 2-S is tactical drone that can be deployed in a swarm. The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) technology that enables it to share information with other drones within the swarm. The swarming drones are able to track and maintain their relative positions to perform coordinated missions that effectively overwhelm adversaries.
Carrying a payload of up to 2kg, these ground-launched swarming drones can reach a maximum altitude of 3,000ft and are suitable for recon and offensive missions, operating at a cruising speed of 90 km/h, with an endurance of 30 minutes. The drone features a wingspan of 2.2 metres, a length of 1.5 metres, and is run by an electric engine.
So was per Transporthubschrauber verlegt, entsprechend von diesem abgesetzt, und dann kann der Heli zurück fliegen und den nächsten Drohnenschwarm holen. Wie berittene Bogenschützen.