16.04.2023, 08:48
Russisches Anti-Kleinst-Drohnen-Radar - offenbar innerhalb von fünf Minuten aufstell- und einsetzbar. Allerdings sind nur eine Handvoll dieser Geräte bislang im Einsatz.
Zitat:REPEYNIK RADARhttps://www.armyrecognition.com/russia_r..._data.html
Surveillance system designed for the detection and tracking of UAVs - Russia
Repeynik radar, in English Burdock, is a cutting-edge surveillance system designed for the detection and tracking of ultra-small objects such as UAVs (Unmanned aerial Vehicles) within a range of up to 10 km, at altitudes of up to 5 km, and flying at speeds of up to 200 km/h. The portable system enables tactical autonomous use between populated areas in combat situations, as well as during security operations. [...]
According to open source information from April 2023, only 12 Repeynik radars are in service with the Russian army. [...] Assembly and preparation for operation at a designated position require no more than 5 minutes.