13.04.2023, 07:21
Zitat:DroneShield launches DroneGun Mk4https://www.janes.com/defence-news/indus...onegun-mk4
Australian company DroneShield has launched a new variant of its DroneGun family of counter-unmanned aircraft systems (C-UASs), developed in response to end-user feedback, using the “latest science in waveform design, jamming techniques, and other technologies” [...].
The new variant, DroneGun Mk4, is a “rugged (IP67) pistol jammer”, with enhanced performance ranges compared with its lighter DroneGun Mk3 predecessor, and is also a lighter and smaller product compared with the 7 kg DroneGun Tactical, Vornik said. The company said DroneGun Mk4 is effective against a wide range of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and can disrupt the control, navigation, and video of multiple UAVs simultaneously.
Once disruption is triggered, a hostile UAV is typically compelled to do a vertically controlled landing on the spot, or return to the operator, the company added.