Saudi Arabien vs. Iran
Sie reden wieder miteinander - interessant allerdings, dass wohl die Chinesen (mit Unterstützung des Oman) das Abkommen eingefädelt haben. Wie belastbar das alles ist, muss allerdings abgewartet werden...
Zitat:What to expect after Iran, Saudi Arabia agree to restore ties

The deal could have wide-ranging consequences but building on it, analysts say, will prove the main challenge. [...]

Tehran, Iran – Iran and Saudi Arabia have agreed to re-establish diplomatic relations in a China-brokered deal that could have wide-ranging consequences but building on it, analysts say, will prove the main challenge. The agreement signed in Beijing on Friday said the two countries’ foreign ministers will meet to discuss diplomatic missions within two months, marking the end of a seven-year rift. [...]

In Iran, the deal was generally welcomed, with senior officials praising it as a step towards reducing tensions and bolstering regional security. Conservative media outlets mainly focused on how the deal signalled a “defeat” for the United States and Israel. [...] But none of the Iranian officials or state-linked media are now openly displaying pessimism as talks, that began in April 2021, finally bore fruit following efforts by China’s President Xi Jinping, who visited Saudi Arabia in December and hosted Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi last month. [...]

Hosseini added that ending the eight-year war in Yemen, where Iran and Saudi Arabia support opposing sides, could be the most important eventual outcome of the agreement, but it would be a difficult goal to achieve. “The high level of distrust and the intensity of geopolitical rivalries may render the trend of reducing tensions reversible. To achieve success, both countries need to begin continuous and long-term efforts and try reliable ways that would guarantee mutual interests,” he said. According to Hosseini, China was the big victor of the agreement, as it bolstered the legitimacy of its reach across the region.

Das dürften wohl i. d. T. die beiden wichtigsten Punkte sein:

1.) Kann das Abkommen dazu beitragen, den Krieg im Jemen zu beenden?

2.) Inwieweit hat China seinen Einfluss in der Region ausgebaut bzw. nimmt mehr und mehr die Rolle eines neuen Hegemons dort ein, wo sich die USA schon seit Jahren anschicken sich mehr und mehr aus der Golfregion zurückzuziehen? Vielleicht winkt auch der eine oder andere lukrative Abnehmerdeal für Peking?


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