27.02.2023, 07:51
Neuer nordkoreanischer Panzertyp - es scheinen hierbei verschiedene Einflüsse vorzuliegen, einerseits eine Turmvorderseite, die an den Abrams erinnert, andererseits (in der Seitenaufnahme gut erkennbar) ein Chassis samt Laufwerk, das an den T-14 angelehnt scheint. Interessant auch, dass das Fahrzeug eigene ATGMs mitzuführen scheint. Auf den ersten Moment eine starke Konstruktion, wenn es nicht nur Testmodelle sind, andererseits wirkt es auch etwas überfrachtet...
Zitat:New North Korea MBT Main Battle Tank appears at February 2023 military paradehttps://www.armyrecognition.com/weapons_...arade.html
For the second time, North Korea presents its latest generation of Main Battle Tank (MBT) during a military parade that was held on February 9, 2023. The tank was unveiled for the first time to the public in October 2020 at the military parade marking the 75th anniversary of the foundation of the WPK (Worker's Party of Korea). [...]
The design of the turret seems very similar to the American M1A2 Abrams but features specific combat equipment while the hull and the suspension seem to be based on Soviet design tanks. The tank has a crew of three including a driver seated at the front center of the hull while the commander and gunner are in the turret. It seems that the turret is made of welded construction and is also fitted with composite spaced armor. The hull is similar to the Russian T-14 Armata and appears to be fitted with ERA (Explosive Reactive Armor) on the front and sides. [...]
On each side at the front and sides of the turret, the tank is equipped with three tube launchers that could be part of an APS (Active Protection System) such as the Russian Afganit able to detect incoming AP (Armor-Piercing) projectiles with its radar and destroys them with special fragmentation projectiles. There are also two devices mounted on the turret sides which could be the laser alarm receiver radars which be part of the APS. [...] The right side of the turret is equipped with two launchers able to fire anti-tank guided missiles what observers believe to be Bulsae-3 missiles, a copy of the Russian-made Kornet anti-tank missile.