24.02.2023, 23:45
Spannend. Strelkov berichtete ähnliches, geht aber davon aus, dass es noch keine Invasion Transnistriens geben wird, es sei noch zu früh dafür.
Ebenso hier und noch abenteuerlicher:
Zitat:Russian Sources are now claiming that a large number of Ukrainian Combat Forces are being moved towards the Border with Moldova and Transnistria and that they alongside Moldovan Security Forces are planning to Invade the Breakaway Region sometime between February 24th and 28th.
Spannend. Strelkov berichtete ähnliches, geht aber davon aus, dass es noch keine Invasion Transnistriens geben wird, es sei noch zu früh dafür.
Ebenso hier und noch abenteuerlicher:
Zitat:The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) claimed on February 23 that Ukrainian forces are planning to conduct an armed provocation against #Transnistria in the near future.
3/ The Russian MoD claimed that Ukrainian forces would dress as Russian military personnel and stage an alleged Russian offensive from positions in #Transnistria. The Moldovan government denied the Russian MoD’s allegations.