14.01.2023, 14:08
Man könnte diesen Umstand wohl beinahe auch im Ukraine-Unterstützungs-Strang einbetten, da er indirekt natürlich auch darauf zielt, mögliche russische Aktivitäten einzuschränken; da es aber sich auf Moldawien bezieht, stelle ich es mal hier ein. Und es ist interessant, wo die Piranhas herkommen bzw. wie sie vor Ort dann auch "verkauft" werden. Scheint wohl so, als wenn man in Berlin stillschweigend etwas hellhöriger hinsichtlich der russischen Aktivitäten vor Ort geworden ist und Moldawien entsprechend ausstatten bzw. im westlichen Lager halten will...
Zitat:Moldovan army receives first three Piranha III H APC Armored Personnel Carriershttps://www.armyrecognition.com/defense_...riers.html
The army of Moldova received, on January 12, the first three Piranha III H Armored Personnel Carriers among the 19 vehicles offered by Germany, in a ceremony organized in Military Camp 142. The donation is based on the agreement signed with the German side and as a result of the official visit of German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht to Chisinau. [...]
The event was attended by the Minister of Defense Anatolie Nosatîi, the Chargé d'affaires of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Republic of Moldova, Ullrich Kinne, as well as the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Nicu Popescu and military attachés accredited in our country. [...] For his part, Ullrich Kinne mentioned that: "The German-Moldovan cooperation in the field of defense has thus reached a new level of quality. This delivery, as part of the National Army Modernization Initiative with the support of the German Federal Government, improves the defense capacity of the Republic of Moldova and its capabilities to participate in international peacekeeping missions. This participation is highly appreciated internationally".