03.11.2022, 20:45
Die F125 für Module (vier 20 Fuss Container) umzubauen wäre noch einmal eine andere Hausnummer. Das halte ich weder für die F125 noch für die F123 für realistisch. In der Grafik für die F126 ist zu sehen, dass passives und aktives Sonar aufgetrennt werden, was auf bestehenden Einheiten mit weniger Platz schwierig sein dürfte.
Atlas schreibt über SONIX:
Auf dem indischen Markt wird SONIX wie folgt beworben:
Atlas schreibt über SONIX:
Zitat:SONIX, sonobuoy processing
- Passive acoustic processing and recording
- Active mono, bi- and multi-static processing with ASO
- Proven technology in both surface and airborne platforms
- Also as refit for existing ASO systems
- For all kind of buoys : Barra, DIFAR, HIDAR, LOFAR
Auf dem indischen Markt wird SONIX wie folgt beworben:
Zitat:Airborne Sonobuoy Processor
The airborne version of the Sonix is built entirely from aerospace grade components integrating our proven technologies to create a high performance, multifunction acoustic processing solution that:
- Receives, processes, displays and records data in real –time from all current sonobuoys
- Provides sophisticated primary and secondary processing and analysis capabilities
- Is modular and scalable for a variety of airborne platforms.
A COTS PC Version of the Sonix can also be provided for ground replay/training applications.
Sonix-A can be delivered in two military certified configurations:
-½ ATR footprint chassis (conduction cooled for MPA/Helicopters)
- ATR Chassis (forced air cooled for MPA/Ground Stations).
The Sonix-A system comes with up to 64 channels of independent signal acquisition – each channel compatible with analogue or digital sonobuoys.
Zitat:Maritime Sonobuoy Processor
The maritime variant of the Sonix (Sonix-M) utilises cost effective COTS and/or MOTS components to create a value for money, high performance, multifunctional acoustic processing solution that:
- Collects, processes, displays and records data in real–time from sonobuoy, hull mounted or towed array sonar receivers
- Has a specialised Torpedo Defence Mode that provides real-time accurate data to enable counteraction to be undertaken.
- Provides sophisticated primary and secondary processing and analysis capabilities.
The Sonix-M system can be deployed via a number of chassis and hardware platforms, such as:
- ATR chassis
- VME chassis
- Ruggedised PC
- Desktop/Laptop PC.
The Sonix-M architecture can be tailored to provide up to 64 independent channels of sonobuoy, hull mounted and towed array processing.